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April 22, 2010


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What is your general answer for people concerned about PCoIP support?

Steve Kaplan (@ROIdude)

I'm not sure what you mean about "concerned about PCoIP support". If you're referring to VMware reps, my approach is to acknowledge that Pano uses a different protocol, but that doesn't devalue the huge benefits of vSphere on the back end or of switching to View for the enterprise roll-out and utilizing PCoIP enabled devices where and if required.


(disclaimer: I don't work for VMware)
Brian should know better he must have been in sales for a long time if he is a VP of Sales.
he is missing the point. Sale reps and SE's are paid based on how much they sell. If any product including PanoLogic reduces how much they are going to sell they will avoid selling the solution no matter what the strategic value might be. If PanoLogic want's to work with VMware they need to figure out how to get VMWare to work with them. Jeez maybe it would be a good idea for Pano to use the VMware broker! Otherwise Pano should start working with companies like Virtual Bridges (I don't work for them either)

boy people can be so naive!


In my opinion, material of this article is very useful.

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